Sunnybrook Software Company
About Sunnybrook Software Company
Sunnybrook is a modern TMS software. It's a cloud-based software that is designed to help 3PL providers and brokers get shipments through the entire lifecycle. It handles Shipments, Customers, Carriers, Factors, Locations, and Accounting as well as integrating with Quickbooks, Marcopoint and more.
About The Project
Mission: The company was using another Freight Broker TMS software on the market called Descartes Aljex. The software was good enough for the company to grow to over $50 million in revenue in only 3 and a half years, handling over 300 shipments daily, but the software lacked some features and integrations that the company needed to continue their growth and provide for their customer and carrier base. They wanted to build their own TMS software not only to reach their own company's goals but also to sell the software to the other 22,000 brokers across the country. If you look at other TMS software that is currently on the market, most are old and clunky and lack many integrations with other systems. We built the software using the most modern web technologies with intuitive user interfaces with user experience in mind. We wanted to accomplish all the things needed for all the different roles in the company: Capacity, Sales,Accounting, and more... while any extra clicks needed to perform the tasks users do on a daily basis. Also, in order to migrate existing broker data to the new system during the tenant onboarding process, the client needed a full REST API to manage all content.
Technologies Used: Laravel, Tenancy For Laravel, Vue.js, Bootstrap 5, Chart.js, Laravel Media Library, DomPDF, Meilisearch, Google Maps API, Google Geocoder API, Google Timezones API, Azure Blob Storage, Azure Active Directory, Azure Virtual Machines, Azure SQL Server Cloud, Postman
- Laravel docs
- Tenancy For Laravel
- Vue.js docs
- Bootstrap 5 docs
- Chart.js
- Laravel Media Library docs
- DomPDF
- Meilisearch docs
- Google Maps API
- Google Geocoder API
- Google Timezones API
- Azure Blob Storage
- Azure Active Directory
- Azure Active Directory
- Azure Virtual Machines
- Azure Virtual Machines
- Azure SQL Server Cloud
- Postman
I was on the project with a few other developers over the year and a half that I worked on the project. At times, I was the only developer on the project.
During the course of the project, there was two lead developers that managed the project. I helped the 2nd lead onboard to the project.
I was responsible for delivering the weekly sprints and making sure the project was on track.
I wrote about 80% of the code on the project. When I first came onboard only about a month after the project began, we were writing all the migration files to structure the initial database,
creating the inital Eloquent models and relationships. I created the Shipment, Customer, Carrier, Factors, and Location forms on the frontend which were the core models of the application.
I created the Shipment Status Lifecycle, which is a series of over 20 status that a Shipment can be in based on if the Shipment had been tendered, accepted, activated,
covered by carrier, dispatched, en route to pickup, to delivery, to accounting review, to payment processing, to completed.
I built the accounting workflow which gave accounting users the ability to upload, review, and approve documents.
The accounting system integrated with Quickbooks and automatically created invoices and payments based on the approved documents.
I created a reference table to the documents and were they were located in Azure Blob Storage.
I created PDF templates of the Sunnybrook invoices that were sent to Customers, and the Carrier Rate Confirmation and Carrier Invoices that were sent to Carriers using DomPDF.
I then build out Tenancy For Laravel which gave us the ability to license the software out to additional brokers with their own subdomain.
I created the REST API that was used to migrate the data from the old systems to the new system.
I created the Google Maps API integration and Macropoint integrations so that we could track the shipments
and see where the truck was at in real time on a google map and which stop they were en route to.
I also created a Shipment Status notification system that Customers and Users could opt into
to receive email updates of the status of their Shipments. The Customer and Users assigned to
those shipments could configure which status email updates they actually wanted and could opt in and out at anytime.
The emails templates were very modern and looked nice.
I also implemented Meilisearch and connected it to our search bar could search through 100s of
thousands and even millions of records in less than 100ms because the models would all be indexed on save or creation.
I created the Azure Active Directory integration which gave us the ability to have Single Sign On
for all the users in the company. This way users didn't have to remember a password and it was much more secure.
New employees didn't have to create an account, it would automatically be created for them.
I created the Azure Virtual Machines and Azure SQL Server Cloud in our production and staging environments.
Towards the end of the project, I created the Dashboard page which used Chart.JS to chart out
different reports for users to see what was going on for the day, the week, the month, the quarter,
the current calendar year, or any custom date range. Each report on the dashboard had it's own date selector, or you could use a global date selector
at the top of the page to update all the reports at once. I built reports for Margin vs Volumn, Newly Created Shipments, Top Customer Accounts and more.